I had a requirement today to get all personal sites (site collections) and the blog sites (sub-sites) under MySite Host Site and save in an XML file.
Following powershell script does the trick for a web application:
PowerShell Script:
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$webs = Get-SPSite -webapplication "http://mysite.domain.com"
$FilePath = "C:\Temp\MySites.xml"
Write-Host Getting all MySites...
$xml = "<PersonalSite>"
Foreach ($oneweb in $webs)
$web = $oneweb.RootWeb
if ($web.WebTemplate -eq "SPSMSITEHOST" -Or $web.WebTemplate -eq "SPSPERS")
$xml = $xml + "<Site>"
$xml = $xml + "<MySite>" + $oneweb.URL + "</MySite>"
Write-Host "Processing:" $oneweb.URL
$spWeb = Get-SPweb $oneweb.URL
foreach($subSite in $spWeb.Webs)
if ($subSite.WebTemplate -eq "BLOG")
$xml = $xml + "<Blog>" + $subSite.URL + "</Blog>"
$xml = $xml + "</Site>"
$xml = $xml + "</PersonalSite>"
#Write-Host $xml
$xml | out-File -FilePath $FilePath
Write-Host "XML file has been generate."
Write-Host "Press anyke to continue..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
Result (MySites.xml):